Life and Negativity. The inner Teleology in Hegels Philosophy of Nature
The aim of my paper is to show that the issue of death is central in Hegels philosophy and it has a strong relationship with the notion of negativity, which is not intended as a trick of the system, but as a moment of life, that is a central concept in his meditation. At a later stage, I will shed light on the inner teleology into every organic nature, understanding that this allows Hegel to preserve the notion of negativity through the concept of lacking being (die Tätigkeit des Mangels). In this sense, the strive to connect Philosophy of Nature and Logic shows that in the Hegelian system there is no place for the long night of nothingness, but only for the Life that becomes Spirit: the promise of philosophy is the path the lead from the deepest desperation to the strongest Hope.Downloads
Como Citar
Brencio, F. (2017). Life and Negativity. The inner Teleology in Hegels Philosophy of Nature. Revista Opinião Filosófica, 5(1). Recuperado de

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